Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 3

Today I once again started my day off with the morning meeting to see what was in the works for tomorrow’s newspaper. According to some of the editors there would be some breaking news developing all day and that everyone should pay attention to what’s going on so that they didn’t miss anything. They also discussed the possible page one stories and what the internet would feature that day. (If you go to, you can answer a survey asking “how do you feel about thunderstorms?” which everyone in the meeting thought was quite funny and rather random)

I then continued my work on my Story of a Story project (about the complexity of one story and the process of getting it published). I talked to one of the photographers on the field about her helicopter ride to capture some of the photos, talked to the assigning editor about his position at the newspaper and what his opinion and role in the poker house story was, and talked to another photo editor about what the difference between a nighttime and daytime editor was.

I talked to Chuck a little bit about some of the graphics he was choosing for a new article and he decided to send a request to the illustrator because there were no images that suited the article in the stock photos so I am excited to see what he is able to produce in just a short time for Chuck.

Then it was time for lunch with Chuck and his lunch buddy Heather, we went to Pei Wei.. yum!

After lunch, I worked a some more on the story of a story presentation with some feedback from Chuck, and was directed to the people I should talk to next.

To finish my day I attended the 3:00 meeting, where everyone shared what they had been working on, any new story developments, and then voted on the possible front page stories and center spreads. Later tonight the nighttime shift editors will make the final decision but I was able to watch them get one step closer.

I am VERY excited for my day tomorrow, I have a lot ahead of me. I will attend the morning meeting at 10:00 and then will be picked up by the video team to go watch Tony Romo try out for the US Open. Hopefully I will get some hands on experience with the camera equipment or just a good setting to observe, either way I am excited to be in close to the Dallas Cowboys quarterback :)! The picture below will be what I get to see in person tomorrow!!!

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