Monday, May 17, 2010

What is My Senior Project?

For my Senior Project, I will be spending one week at the Dallas Morning News. My mentor's name is Chuck Stewart, a page layout and design editor. I will observe his work, as well as meet many other reporters who share the same interests that I do such as music, movies, sports, design layout, photography, film/editing, etc. and learn about their jobs to see if I'd be interested in pursuing journalism as a career. I hope to improve my writing style and get a firm grasp on what it would take to work in journalism.

I also have been assigned a project called story of a story overa recent article about a South Dallas "poker house". The article is very complex and requires me to interview several reporters, editors, and photographers to understand what goes into just one front page story. I will make a presentation that includes the time line of the story, the process of creating the story, and the opinions of each reporter that played a role in producing the article. This will be part of my final presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great project. I can't wait to read more.
